Increase Productivity & Time Management Skills with Time Management Executive Coaching from McKinnon & Company
Time Management is a serious issue these days, especially because today’s business environment is changing rapidly and fundamentally and requires the executive development skills to keep pace. Leaders face unprecedented domestic and global challenges from new technologies, global competition, increased market segmentation, specialization and massive industrial restructuring. Not only that, the pace of these changes is unprecedented in history.
Time Management Executive Coaching focused on increasing personal productivity and improving time management skills, provides leaders with the knowledge and tools to reshape their organization and manage these complex changes to achieve and retain competitive advantage in the next millennium.
Overview of McKinnon & Company, Time Management Executive Coaching
McKinnon & Company located north of Boston, Massachusetts, is a WBENC Certified Woman’s Business Enterprise dedicated to helping executives, professionals and business owners reduce the chaos, boost their energy and effectiveness and explode their productivity. We work with individuals, groups and companies to manage organizational change, achieve more success and increase personal productivity and organizational performance by changing the way they spend their time.
Whether it’s an individual executive, professional or business owner the Executive Coaching Services provided by McKinnon & Company are designed to help clients achieve their full leadership potential by improving personal time management skills and increasing personal productivity to improve their personal and managerial effectiveness.
Our goal is to help companies, groups and individuals utilize time management executive coaching as a strategic and tactical tool to enhance time management skills in order to improve personal performance and corporate profitability. We help executives, professionals and business owners:
- Become more aware of how they spend their time and the choices they make with their time during the course of a work day;
- Learn new ways of thinking, to assess their “internal and external” landscape;
- Improve their focus;
- Reduces stress, boost their energy and overall wellness;
- Develop time management systems to communicate and achieve goals;
- Learn innovative time management techniques to improve productivity;
- Use proven time management strategies to manage their highest priorities and work flow;
- Accomplish better results with their time to achieve a personal and competitive advantage.
McKinnon & Company was founded in 1992 by Kathryn McKinnon, a former Fortune 500 marketing executive, innovation management consultant, Harvard Business School Officer in the Executive Education and MBA Career Management Services Divisions, and teacher of the Career Management Seminar at Harvard Business School. For over two decades, McKinnon & Company has developed and delivered executive coaching programs and worked with hundreds of executives, professionals and business owners. We have the competence and credibility to challenge and work with senior general managers and functional line executives. Above all, in working with individuals and teams, we share a commitment to using Executive Coaching as a vehicle for personal as well as corporate change and renewal.
McKinnon & Company’s Time Management Executive Coaching Experience
McKinnon & Company has developed a successful track record over 20 years in a variety of learning situations with individual executives and organizations.
Client Stories: How we Helped Clients with Time Management Executive Coaching
Client Case Study Ryan
Ryan was working as an executive in an investment management firm who was a client. He wanted to: Increase his daily productivity to focus on the right work, improve the efficiency of daily work flow and reduce his distractions.
Results: By tracking and analyzing how he spent his time we noticed Ryan was spending too much time socializing and allowing himself to be distracted. Non-work activities were also taking up a lot of his time. We taught Ryan the McKinnon & Company Signature Time Tracking System. By changing the way he spent his time, within a few short weeks he was able to:
- Free up 90 minutes of time every day
- Increase his productivity 21%
- Have time to think
- Manage and focus on his real priorities and the right work.
- Reduce the daily distractions
- Reduce the average amount of time he spent at work by 10%
Client Case Study Melissa
Melissa was a manager in a company and was promoted into a new job. She was excited to take on the position, but it was undefined. Melissa was a perfectionist and she needed to think things through. She lived in her head and worried a lot about things that might go wrong.
The issue was that Melissa spent so much time worrying about getting things right, she couldn’t get anything done. She was afraid of failing at this new job. She started second-guessing herself, became paralyzed at work and began to lose confidence in herself and to procrastinate. She began to miss deadlines and lost credibility with her co-workers. This manager who was once a star performer was failing miserably. It became a self-fulfilling prophesy. Melissa became depressed, demoralized and had dug herself into a hole so deep she couldn’t see her way out. She worried so much and was under so much stress that she became physically ill, ended up in the hospital and lost a lot of time at work.
So, her company called McKinnon & Company in to help her figure out what went wrong and to help her fix it. With our Signature Coaching System, we showed Melissa how to get out of the hole and to be confident and productive again.
We taught her our Signature Scheduling System and a System to help her manage priorities. We helped her change her mindset and take steps to define her goals and priorities, to break her undefined job into manageable projects and focus on her successes instead of her potential failure.
Results: Within a few short months, Melissa turned things around became a star performer again.
We worked with Melissa two years ago and recently checked in with her boss to see how things were going. Melissa is doing better than ever. Our system works. It has a sustainable, positive effect on your productivity. It also gives you a competitive advantage.
Client Case Study Kit
Kit was the VP of global Software Management Company. He couldn’t focus on his priorities because he was spending 4-6 hours a day on email. After we did an analysis of the way he was spending his day, we discovered that at least 60% of the email he was working on wasn’t related to his highest priorities, but he was reacting to urgent requests as they flooded into his inbox. We taught him our Signature Email System to help him isolate the urgent and important email and accomplish his priorities.
Result: Kit was able to save 2 hours every day or a full 10 hours a week by focusing on the email that was related to his goals and priorities. He began to spend that free time thinking, strategizing and accomplishing priority work.
Client Case Study Judy
Judy was a client and President of a company who didn’t know the value of her time. She was stuck in the weeds performing operational tasks that she couldn’t let go of and wasn’t taking the time to direct the strategy of the company.
She was inundated with busy work doing small tasks that could easily be handled by someone else in the company, but she thought it would take too much time to train them. She was overwhelmed and completely stressed out working 16-hour days.
We introduced Judy to our Signature System to Leverage Her Time so she could do more with less and we showed her an easy way to calculate the value of her time. Once she embraced that, she realized she had to let go of activities that were not worth her time. She wasn’t leveraging her time.
Result: As a result of implementing these new Time Management Systems, Judy began spending her time growing her business and brought in millions of dollars in new client contracts.
Client Case Study Rae
Rae was a client who was always being interrupted in the middle of the day when she chose to do her most important work. She was overwhelmed and stressed because she couldn’t focus on her own work and couldn’t meet the needs of her clients. After conducting a Time Management Assessment, we discovered her most productive time of day. We taught her our Signature System for Managing Interruptions and suggested she manage her schedule to focus on doing her most important projects during a time when she was less likely to be interrupted.
Result: As a result of making this one change, within a week, Rae’s stress level went down, she was able to accomplish her work during the day and meet the needs of her clients.
Track Record of Success
- Harvard Business School. McKinnon & Company has coached hundreds of MBAs and HBS alumni over the years. We developed and taught the popular Career Management Seminar for HBS Alumni over a period of 6 years. McKinnon & Company has extensive experience working with HBS Alumni and is an executive coach for HBS senior staff and an executive alumni coach through the Harvard Business School Office of Alumni Career & Professional Development.
- McKinnon & Company delivered a time management executive coaching webinar to 375 Harvard Business School Alumni in February 2013 focusing on 10 Time Management Strategies to Triple Your Time Today and based on content from Kathryn McKinnon’s bestselling book in its category on Amazon, Triple Your Time Today!
- Corporate Clients. Working in partnership with the Center for Executive Development, McKinnon & Company served as primary lead and sales generator for this leader in the forefront of customized executive education programs to Fortune 500 companies worldwide. We also assisted in the development and delivery of customized programs to corporations including Bristol Myers Squibb, Chase Manhattan Bank, Price Waterhouse and Sterling Winthrop.
- Working with IDEASCOPE Associates, Kathryn McKinnon developed and facilitated Training Programs for a number of Fortune 500 Companies focusing on innovation management, strategic innovation and new product development. The work involved conducting research interviews, leading teams of clients to reposition products and create brand franchise extension concepts for implementation. Clients included: PepsiCo, M&M Mars, Dr. Scholl’s Foot Care, Clorox Company, Welch Foods, Quaker Oats and Kraft Foods.
- Trade Associations. McKinnon & Company delivered customized Time Management Executive Coaching Seminars to the New England Chapter of the Infusion Nurses Society, The Asian American Society, The Rhode Island Chapter of the CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters), the National Sporting Goods Associations, Boston Women in finance and the Freemasons.
- Executives. McKinnon & Company has worked with hundreds of executives, managers, professionals and business owners over the past 20 years helping them create greater levels of personal and professional success, to increase their productivity, improve their time management skills and achieve order out of chaos with their life, career and their time.
Peak Potentials Worldwide Training Organization. In partnership with T. Harv Eker’s Peak Potentials Worldwide Training Company, McKinnon & Company delivered a Time Management Executive Coaching Training Seminar to millionaire entrepreneurs who are members of the Peak Potentials MasterMind Group, followed by a Time Management Training Seminar to Peak Potentials Executive Coaches.
Time Management Executive Coaching Products and Services
We offer Time Management Executive Coaching/Mentoring and Group Coaching tailored to individual and company needs. We teach clients the inner tools and strategies to stay organized and focused on their highest priorities. Clients learn to develop a mindset for success to keep things on track, increase their productivity and to achieve personal and professional goals.
Description of McKinnon & Company Time Management Executive Coaching Packages
McKinnon & Company brings over 30 years of leadership, corporate management and training experience to our valued clients. Our leadership and management process helps emphasize the unique potential of each client and provides a structure and process for their development. Each client will gain insight so they can see how their own preconditioning, perceptions, beliefs, habits and assumptions can get in the way of understanding themselves, the choices they make with their time and the people they lead or work with.
Our Process promotes personal discovery and innovative approaches to solving problems. To facilitate this understanding, a significant part of our work helps to introduce self-awareness, feedback, action planning, action learning and follow-up to regular work life. It is about moving clients and teams into behaviors that help them change the way they spend their time to thrive in both their life, career and business. To do this, we’ve created a number of options to fit every level of need and budget.
Clients choose the level of service they want with us. We offer options from highly customized, personal, weekly one-on-one sessions to monthly tailored meetings, group coaching, seminars and workshops via telephone, Zoom or Skype and options in between. The amount of time and level of customization depends upon each client’s need and budget. The most important issue is whether there’s a good fit between what the client wants and what we can provide.
We begin by offering a free introductory telephone Time Recovery Session to determine the key time management issues, some steps for solving the issues and to determine if the client’s needs fit with our process and approach. Here are some suggested levels of Coaching Service we provide:
Package A: Platinum Level Executive Coaching
Customized Executive Coaching for Senior Executives and Business Owners Delivered In-Person or Virtually by Zoom
This level of Executive Coaching is for top achievers who want to accelerate their success even further. This level of coaching is highly customized with face-to face meetings and is usually tied to the company’s strategic initiatives, succession planning and/or retention strategies. We meet with both company representatives and the individual being coached to determine the desired outcomes for the time management executive coaching, set out the scope of work and put performance metrics in place.
This level of Executive Coaching may include:
- Two in-person or Zoom meetings with company representatives where we set out the goals for the coaching, scope of work and how we are going to measure success.
- Assessment Development identifying key productivity challenges and establishing specific, measurable goals.
- Face-to-face interviews with colleagues and/or direct reports.
- Job shadowing for a full day.
- Creating a customized Development Plan tied to coaching issues and goals.
- Developing an ongoing Customized Process including the development of needs assessments, content of session meetings and lessons, worksheets, exercises, mp3s and all coaching learning materials customized to address the client’s needs and goals.
- Application and implementation of Time Management Best Practices and strategies tailored to meet client needs.
- In-person meetings with the individual being coached.
- Weekly one-hour Executive Coaching sessions for a minimum of six months.
- Initial, mid-term and final Assessments to track and measure progress and achievement of goals.
- Email support.
Package B: Gold Level Executive Coaching
Tailored Executive Coaching for Senior Executives and Business Owners Delivered In-Person or Virtually by Zoom/Skype/Telephone
This level of Executive Coaching can be viewed as a bonus and a sign of significant recognition and is tied to the organization’s retention strategies. In other cases, it can be remedial. It may focus on enhancing leadership performance and flexibility or personal time management and productivity effectiveness to help manage change, manage stress, improve communication and work relationships and to achieve better work life balance. The Executive Coach may work in conjunction with Human Resources or other senior executives and the client. Meetings can be a combination of in-person, Zoom, telephone or Skype.
This level of Executive Coaching may include:
- Telephone/Zoom meetings with corporate representative(s) to establish the goals, desired outcomes for the time management executive coaching and reporting requirements.
- An initial telephone/Zoom coaching session with the client to identify key issues and needs and establish specific and measurable goals.
- A combination of in-person and telephone/Zoom meetings with the individual being coached.
- Telephone interviews with colleagues/direct reports.
- Creating a Tailored Development Plan tied to the client’s coaching issues and goals.
- Developing an ongoing Tailored Process including the development of needs assessments, content of session meetings and lessons, worksheets, exercises, mp3s and all coaching learning materials tailored to address the client’s needs and goals.
- Application and implementation of Time Management Best Practices and strategies tailored to meet client needs.
- One-hour Personal Executive Coaching sessions three times monthly for a minimum of six months
- Initial, mid-term and final Assessments to track and measure progress and achievement of goals.
- Email support as needed.
Package C: Silver Level Executive Coaching
Tailored Executive Coaching for Senior Executives, Professionals and Business Owners Delivered Virtually by Telephone or Zoom
This level of Executive Coaching may be initiated by the individual or by the client’s organization and the engagement involves only the client being coached. Goals may vary but often they revolve around personal time management and productivity skill development, achieving balance, handling stress and overwhelm, setting personal boundaries, developing communication strategies, managing relationships, or maneuvering corporate change.
This level of Executive Coaching may include:
- An initial telephone coaching session with the client to identify key issues and needs as well as specific and measurable goals for the time management executive coaching sessions.
- Telephone or Zoom meetings with the client being coached.
- Creating a Tailored Development Plan tied to the coaching issues and goals.
- Developing an ongoing Tailored Process including the development of needs assessments, content of session meetings, worksheets, exercises, mp3s and all coaching learning materials tailored to address the client’s needs and goals.
- Application and implementation of Time Management Best Practices and strategies tailored to meet client needs.
- One-hour Executive coaching meetings twice monthly for a minimum of six months.
- Initial, mid-term and final Assessments to track and measure progress and achievement of goals.
Corporate Executive Coaching Client Testimonials
Steve Cleary, V.P. Enterprise Procurement, Dell Inc.
“Working with Kathryn taught me some valuable lessons. I used to think my involvement in the details was absolutely critical to making a difference to this business and I got a lot of satisfaction from making things happen. But through this process, I learned that isn’t my job. My job is not to micromanage but to let others step in and get the job done. As a result, I learned how to say no to requests for my time, to protect my time, to delegate and let go of work that others should be doing and to trust others to grow and do their job. Because of this new mindset and adding more productive systems to my work schedule, I have an organized structure to my day and a solid plan of action. I’ve gained an average of 4 hours a day in productive time to work on issues and strategic priorities that are critical to this business. I’ve learned how to take control over my time and to direct others to take action on issues that really matter to the future of this business.”
Judith Leary, Founder & President|IdentityForce: “Kathryn helped me become mindful of my priorities and helped me organize my time in a way that fit my style. She taught me systems and tools that worked for me. The biggest thing I learned from Kathryn is that it’s impossible to control everything and be happy. Now I realize I can’t change the past but I can control what I think and feel and how I spend my time. I also learned it’s not about how hard you work, but how smart you work. I’ve learned not to take on so much and to take charge of my time. I’m learning to protect my boundaries, to tell others what I need from them and to ask for help. Coaching helped me see what I’m capable of. I’m finally happy and I understand myself better. This has been a great experience for me. Kathryn is not only a great coach she’s also become a friend.“
Kit Colbert, VP & CTO Cloud Platform, VMware: “I worked with Kathryn to optimize how I spend my time and to focus on getting the high priority tasks done while at the same time leaving time for a healthy work/life balance. This coaching process has been worth the time spent practicing all the things we talked about. I had a lot of these things in my head but Kathryn provided me with the systems and tools to improve my time management skills to gain 2 hours of productive time each day. It’s been very helpful to make it more formal. Now I’m making these processes and best practices my own, so I can actually live them.“
Jakub Kucharzyk, Associate, Nixon Peabody, LLC: “Coaching with Kathryn gave me practical tools to add structure to my day for accomplishing important projects, managing email and phone calls. Kathryn taught me strategies for setting realistic goals, communicating effectively and setting time aside to manage distractions. She showed me solutions for using my commuting time more effectively too. This helps me get my day off to a good start so I can spend time on my top priorities.”
Executive Director, Harvard Business School: “The team is doing fabulously well. Their progress exceeded my expectations (and theirs as well); I couldn’t be more pleased! Their dedication to the process was impressive. I know it wasn’t easy, but they pushed through. Thank you for all you did to make it possible.”
Whit Collier, Associate Director, Private Wealth Management, Morgan Stanley: “You were instrumental in helping me in so many ways over the past couple of years, changing habits and patterns, prioritizing how I spend my time and appreciating what I have and who I am. You gave me insights and perspectives that are invaluable and that I couldn’t have learned on my own. Thank you!”
Mark Lynch, Vehicle & Transportation Specialist, Ford Motor Company: “Kathryn provided me with crystal clear direction for time management, communication and positive thinking…I felt inspired by our conversations. Kathryn provided clarity and focus at every level. Please consider Kathryn as someone who can be your time management coach or provide you with a focused plan, regardless of your situation.”
John Korzec, Development Manager, New York Life Insurance Company: “Kathryn is one of the most positive and helpful persons I have ever met. Take advantage of her coaching as soon as possible!”
Karen Dempsey Carney, Owner, Alliance Relocation/Home Loan: “It’s been a long time since I felt a lot of chaos in my life…It was you who helped me to the other side. Thank you!”
Coaching Client “I liked the fact that the coaching was personalized. It was tailored to my issues and goals. And it wasn’t just about my time either. It also encompassed things like my nutrition, time for self, what I need to do to change the way I spend my time while addressing each issue and setting goals throughout the coaching.”
Coaching Client “Kathryn has the ability to cut through whatever clutter may be impeding you, allowing you to see how to simply move forward. She is straightforward and kind and is unlike anyone else I know.”
Speaking and Time Management Executive Coaching Training Programs
Time Management Executive Coaching Seminars
Tailored Time Management Seminars/Workshops for Groups of Executives and Professionals delivered In-Person or Virtually by Teleconference, Webinar or Zoom
We offer live, virtual and online Time Management Executive Coaching and Productivity Seminars, Workshops and Webinars specifically designed to improve time management skills and productivity with a focus on experiential learning. We incorporate experiential exercises, implementation guides, workbooks and products tailored to clients’ needs to improve personal productivity and time management skills based on our proven time management strategies and expertise.
Tailored Time Management Programs focus on assisting groups with developing time management skills to eliminate the internal chaos, boost energy and save time to increase personal productivity and enhance business performance.
Our seminars are designed to promote long-term change and retention of new information and behaviors for companies that want to improve employee engagement, time management skills, productivity, work life balance and wellness.
We highly recommend adding at least one or more individual or group coaching sessions to any Executive Coaching Seminar. This will ensure participants begin the process of incorporating the course material into their daily routine, establishing objectives for personal behavioral change and ultimately incorporating the learning into their Personal Development Plan.
We deliver Executive Coaching Seminars in person, online and virtually by tele-conference, webinar or Zoom. This allows participants to address time management challenges and issues they have as they implement new time management best practices into their daily work routine.
This level of coaching may include:
- One facilitator
- Needs Assessment
- Course design and development tailored to time management issues and goals
- All course materials
- Introduction of Time Management Best Practices
- Potential follow-up Group Coaching and Assessments to track progress
- The timing and frequency of client seminars is tailored to client needs
Group Coaching
Tailored Executive Group Coaching for Corporate, Professional and Managerial Teams delivered In-Person or Virtually by Teleconference or Zoom
We offer Group Coaching for executives, professionals or managerial teams. The intent is to give executives, professionals and managers an opportunity to learn from each other within a small group setting and work with a trusted mentor who can guide the group to improve time management and productivity skills through time management executive coaching and help keep them accountable to company or individual goals and objectives. Coaching can be delivered in person, by tele-seminar, Zoom or webinar.
This level of coaching may include:
- One facilitator
- Needs Assessment
- Creating a Tailored Development Plan tied to time management issues and goals.
- Content design and development
- All course materials
- Application and implementation of Time Management Best Practices
- Monthly group coaching meetings
- Assessments to track and measure progress and achievement of goals.
Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities
Utilize Triple Your Time Today! as part of a time management executive coaching or management training program, as a customer gift or premium, as part of an advertising promotion, or order the book in bulk quantities for employees or customers. Contact McKinnon & Company at Support if you’re interested in sponsorship or advertising opportunities.
Time Management Training Program Testimonials
Jessica Driscoll, Senior HR Generalist, Public Broadcasting Service
“Kathryn is amazing. She did a great job of developing and delivering a one-day time management seminar for PBS. I liked the fact that we worked together so well to integrate all her knowledge, services and expertise to really customize the program for PBS. The Time Tracking was interesting and useful. The Cost-Benefit Analysis worked well too. The Best Practices and exercises offered practical tips and tools for making our time more effective. It was a seminar for the personal and professional side of life. Those are the things that I think are really amazing and wonderful about this program. We will keep moving forward in this relationship with Kathryn.”
Becky Blackler, Boston Women in Finance
“The Boston Women in Finance team invited Kathryn to kick off our year right. In January, she delivered an interactive session where she shared Time Management Best Practices to help us reach our productivity goals. The Program was engaging and gave us a new awareness of how we choose to spend our time. We loved having her and hope to welcome her back soon! I highly recommend her and look forward to working with her again.”
Christine Paul Tetreault, Alumni Relations, Career & Professional Development, Harvard Business School “Kathryn McKinnon, author of Triple Your Time Today: 10 Proven Time Management Strategies to Create and Save More Time! presented a webinar to HBS Alumni sharing an overview of her strategies. She asks us to examine time from a different perspective, reflecting upon purpose, passion and the value of our time from a holistic perspective. Kathryn submits time management is a learned skill that we can and must develop if we want to be more effective in our work, family and personal lives. She uses client case studies and stories to demonstrate useful, tactical examples of how to systemize, leverage, simplify and become more mindful of how we spend our time. Kathryn’s strategies are delivered concisely, are easy to digest and actionable. A good use of your time to get back time of your own!”
Sarah Kotva, Vice President at Fieldwork, Inc. “Kathryn McKinnon presented to our group to help us explore ways we could better manage our time. Kathryn provided very helpful workbooks and examples of time and stress management exercises that anyone can implement into their day.”
Mary McCormick-Gendzel, Registered Nurse, Mass General Hospital, Presidential Advisory, NEC INS “Kathryn McKinnon presented “Triple Your Time Today for Nurses” as a part of the New England Chapter of the Infusion Nurses Society’s celebration of IV Nurses Day. The one-hour presentation was a content-driven program based on her best-selling book on Amazon, Triple Your Time Today: 10 Proven Time Management Strategies to Help You Create and Save More Time!
The Program was well timed and tailored specifically for our group. It was filled with practical advice, case studies, useful tips on helping us improve our productivity, and strategies for busy professionals to help us become more mindful about how to slow down and gain more time. She even incorporated some group activities that helped reinforce the learning. Everyone thought it was great. These are just some of the numerous positive comments the nurses shared with us after Kathryn finished presenting her Program: “Loved it!” “Fabulous,” “It was the best presentation I’ve ever attended,” “It really made me think about how I spend my time and what I can do differently. I highly recommend Kathryn’s book and this program. Thank you, Kathryn,”
Cyndy Chapin Levesque, Employment Specialist -Job Developer – Employer Engagement – Job Readiness – Certificate Training Programs, Asian American Civic Association “Kathryn was able to provide a quality presentation to our staff. After doing in depth research regarding the time management needs of our staff Kathryn put together an informative and interesting time management training. She provided information to move us forward to reach our goals and provided us with tools to keep moving forward and become better at achieving our time management goals.”
Time Management Training Participant Testimonials
“The most beneficial aspect of this training was being able to put my time management struggles and goals in writing and how Kathryn guided us through the different steps to get to a plan of action. I also liked the real-life stories about her clients and the take-away from each.”
“I liked the flexible solutions to everyday issues, both personal and professional.”
“I liked the fact that the seminar was personalized. The whole session was tailored to my issues and goals. And it wasn’t just about my time either. It also encompassed things like my nutrition, time for self, what I need to do to change the way I spend my time while addressing each issue and setting goals throughout the seminar.”
“Even though it was a group setting, Kathryn was able to tailor the seminar to the specific time management challenges and goals of each person. I also liked the interaction, splitting up into small groups and sharing ideas with partners. Attending this seminar definitely improved my time management skills.”
Ready to Get started? Contact us at [email protected] for your first complimentary Executive Coaching Time Recovery Session and to discuss how we can help you or your team change the way you spend your time so you can lead a more productive, balanced life.
All Rights Reserved. McKinnon & Company, 21 Robert Rd., Marblehead, MA 01945 [email protected] Time Management Executive Coaching